Thursday, August 5, 2010


2000 - 2010

One of my beloved English Shires, Hercules, died Sunday, July 25th of Potomac Fever. He was only 10 years old. He came down with it Sunday morning, collapsed by 4:00 pm and was gone by 11:00 pm that evening. Magnificent to the end, he crunched through 2 big bags of carrots and wolfed down a flake of hay. Hercules was the favorite of many - how many I didn't realize until the cards and calls came in after his death. Although the biggest one of the 4 boys he was at the bottom of the totem pole in the herd and was often seen grazing separately from the others.
Herc had EPSM so couldn't back up very easily. He was also lonely for a girlfriend which I couldn't give to him because the barn was already full and Rocket, one of his barn mates was recently gelded.
We had laminated posters of his "distant "girlfriend Birdie up by his feedbox. She is a beautiful palomino mini.
This picture was taken on the Friday before his death. He was trained to nod his head "yes" and shake his head "no" for the people visiting the Farm Barn. We had a wonderful afternoon with a big crowd on Friday and he trotted all the way home.
As an animal communicator I am asked frequently to relay messages from beloveds who have passed to the other side. Usually our emotions are so painful in the beginning that we aren't able to open up our hearts to hear them reaching out for us. For the first time in my experience however Hercules was always there. While we were sitting at his grave I felt his presence and knew he wasn't going to leave. I am sure his spirit went "home" to the light but a part of him still remained. He tells me that he wasn't feeling well and this was an opening for him to leave. He knew he could do more on this earth plane in spirit than he could in physical form. Hercules was very big in physical form and even bigger in his great heart. We all miss him. I am grateful to know it doesn't hurt for him to back up now and he is probably in a field full of girlfriends so he's no longer lonely.
Thank you Hercules for all the love, strength, courage and honesty you shared with us while you were here and thank you for being here for us now.