Monday, March 5, 2012

Well, I have to admit I'm not a very good blogger. Haven't posted a thing since the beginning of the year. How time flies. I HAVE sent out my email newsletter though, end of Feb. If you are not on the mailing list and would like to get my newsletter please let me know!

There is so much fascinating information to absorb coming from all directions, don't you agree? The internet, Facebook, Twitter and on and on not to mention workshops, seminars. Makes my head spin. It can be overwhelming. I welcome the respite of the barn and just listening to the horses munch hay with no radio on. Today I was reading a post from my healing friend Laura Malfa in NY and I thought I'd include something she wrote I work on a lot myself. It's about coming from a place of love starting with yourself . I often find it easier to come from a place of love for someone else rather than for myself. Namaste to all. Cathy

It’s all about me?

27 Feb 2012 3 Comments

by onehearthealing in Uncategorized

If I want to change the world; I have to change how I relate to the world. If I want something in my life to shift the only thing I can shift is myself. How I engage my energy in any given situation or circumstance is the only thing I really have any control over. In Buddhism, there is an understanding that we have a part in creating everything and all circumstances in our lives; thats the good news and the bad news. The good news is: I can have an influence on any situation that I face. The bad news is, yes, I am responsible for what is in my life.

Since I have a profound influence on the world around me, I decided to focus todays meditation on loving kindness towards myself and my body. Every time a felt an area of tension creep up on me I sent love to that area. When my mind drifted off into thinking I gently invited myself to come back to my breath. Afterwards, I felt deep gratitude for my body that has tirelessly supported me throughout my entire life.

Changing how I treat myself is critical to shifting anything in my life. Finding those hidden pockets of harshness towards myself and opening to greater compassion will always strengthen my energy. Coming from the best in myself, when I am assessing my behavior or taking stock, rather than from a place of criticism. You might be surprised to find that being more compassionate might bring with it an opportunity for profound healing, release and opening to something new.

Good luck and be kind!

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