
The Gulf Call to Sacred Action
Sponsored by Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution
Dear Friends,
Thank you for registering for The Gulf Call to Sacred Action. Today, we had our first call -- Setting Our Sacred Intention. For those of you who were on the call live, we appreciate your patience with our technical difficulties which we have since resolved. As we shared on the call, Evolutionary Leaders created The Gulf Call to Sacred Action because as we face the worst environmental crisis in United States history, we must face it in a new way and address it not just technologically, politically, or environmentally, but also from an evolutionary perspective. From an evolutionary perspective, we can see the crisis in the Gulf as a true "masterpiece of possibility" and an opportunity to demonstrate the power of the collective. You are a vital part of the collective. To listen to the call recording: note: You will hear a lot of beeps on the first 15 minutes of the call but they do stop about a quarter of the way through the recording.) To donate to the people affected by this crisis in the Gulf region: To read Deepak's 8-point plan: To join Deepak's LinkedIn Collective Creativity Group: To read a fascinating blog from Lynne McTaggart about the oil spill: To learn more about Lynne's intention experiments: To learn more about Jean Houston: To listen to spontaneous prayers and OMs that happened after today's call ended: To read about Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution: To grasp the scope of the spill in a way that you can relate to: Please share this initiative with everyone you know. Invite them to sign up for the call information Our next call -- The Power of Sacred Prayer -- will be Tuesday July 6th at 5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 PM Eastern. You can dial in to the call at 712-432-0075 code 753806# or listen live at The call, moderated by Debbie Ford, will feature Reverend Michael Beckwith, Joan Borysenko, and James O'Dea. Again, we can assure you that our technical difficulties have been resolved, so please do join us. We will email you a reminder the day before the call. Thank you again for stepping into this vitally important conversation. The world needs you and you matter! With love and blessings,Arielle Ford & Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution
Thank you Cathy for giving us a format that puts it together for us to choose from messages with integrity. You have just saved me a lot of time searching and reviewing. Thanks dear friend.