Yippee, it's finally here. A whole new year to celebrate all we learned from 2011 and let go of everything we don't need to hang on to. Whew. I'm grateful to be moving forward with a spring in my step and lots to look forward to. My New Year ritual is to spend a lot of time in my journal, noting the significant things that happened in the past year and setting my intentions for the new. Normally I have a few pages of things I want to do in the new year - places to go, people to meet, classes to take, old habits and patterns to let go of. This year however I found my list was a lot shorter than previous years and finally I wrote: I just want to let go and allow the space for Universe to bring to me what I need to be happy and joyful.
Last year I learned a lot about surrendering and letting go. Am I a pro at it? No. But I am a lot better at noticing when I'm resisting and fighting myself. This year I'm focusing on being present with gratitude. I've found that when I am truly present in the moment, looking around me with appreciation and gratitude that I'm happy. WOW!
I love this tree. It's an old oak tree - there aren't very many oak trees here in Vermont. Not like the ones in NY or Chicago. I love passing by this tree and letting myself be received by the heart chakra energy in the trunk. It's amazing. Winter is a wonderful time to appreciate the magnificence of tree trunks. Bark patterns. The shape of trees against the white snow or the cold blue winter sky.
It's finally turned frigid here. We still haven't had any snow where I live and people are starting to feel a bit uneasy. At this point in winter we're used to complaining about how much snow we have and starting to think about trips to warmer climates ! I finally put blankets on "the boys" who seemed appreciative. It was too cold to work them today.
I received a great email from a fellow animal communicator, Nedda Wittels, who sent her wishes for the New Year and I wanted to share a few with you because they are so appropriate for the spirit of 2012:
May you find Peace within.
May you remember the infinite possibilities that are always available to you in each and every moment of your life.
May you easily reach inside to yourself to find your inner courage and share it with others in your life.
May your inner splendor radiate out into the world, creating harmony and spreading joy wherever you are, wherever you go.
May you have faith in your own Divine Self.
May you respond to life's challenges with the full knowledge that you are Divine and that each challenge before you has your very own power within it.
May you go forth into 2012 with the certainty that all your dreams can be and will be fulfilled.
Wishing everyone a very blessed year. I'm so looking forward to what Universe will dream up for me now that I am open and allowing it to happen ! I'll keep you posted - that's one of my New Year intentions, to be a lot more present on my blog!
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